ARC Otsego 3rd Annual Hot Cocoa 5K Walk, Run, & Roll
The third annual Arc Otsego Hot Cocoa 5K Run and 1K Walk, Run, & Roll is getting closer and closer. Taking place at Neahwa Park in Oneonta on November 5th, the Hot Cocoa 5K event is set to begin at 10 AM. The run continues through the City of Oneonta, and returns to Neahwa Park. The 1K run starts at 9:30 AM and only operates within Neahwa Park. Hot cocoa and other refreshments will be available to all participants in either race. Raffles and other fun will also follow the races.
Registration prices include:
- 5K - $20 (pre-registration), $25 (same day registration)
- 1K - $12 (pre-registration), $15 (same day registration)
Proceeds from this event will go toward The Arc Otsego's Helping Hands Fund. This fund benefits many people with developmental disabilities, and helps the families successfully push through life's challenges.
Anyone can register at: http://www.itsyourrace.com/event.aspx?id=7922 or www.arcotsego.org. You can also mail-in a registration. All registration must be received by noon on November 1. For more information, call (607)433-8428, email pr@arcotsego.org, or visit www.arcotsego.org.
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