Farmers’ Museum Sugaring Off Sundays
By Kelli Whitman
Every Sunday at the Farmers’ Museum in Cooperstown, is going to be dedicated to fun and sweet activities. Sugaring Off the Sundays is an event for all ages. The day begins with a delicious pancake breakfast that includes scrambled eggs, sausage and home fries. Afterwards you can check out maple sugar demonstrations and watch the craftspeople in the Blacksmith Shop in action. You will also be able to taste hot maple syrup drizzled over snow and don’t forget to take a ride on the Empire State Carousel. Children can visit the Children’s Barnyard and see the chickens, turkeys, and sheep, along with the horses, cows, and giant rabbits. There will also be Otsego County Maple Producers there offering local maple products for sale and to answer any questions.
To find out more visit farmersmuseum.org/sos.
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