After the isolation and quarantines of the last few years, Americans are vacationing again.  Despite record gas prices and the aggravation of record numbers of cancelled flights, people are re-discovering travel in record numbers. More and more San Angolans are venturing out this summer, to the beaches, the mountains, to the cities.  Here we come.

No matter what it costs, people are ready to get away again and start making memories with their children and families.  However, the cost of a vacation can be a lot more than you might expect, if you post a lot of vacation photos on social media.

Property crimes in San Angelo are on the rise.The property crime index in San Angelo is 58.9 while the U.S. average is 35.4. People on vacation make an excellent target for burglars. You may think you're insurance will cover the losses, but you might be wrong.

Many insurers will refuse to cover losses if your home is ransacked on vacation if you post vacation photos while you're away. Vacation photos while you're still away are a blatant advertisement that burglars look for when casing a residence to pillage.

There are conflicting reports online about this.  However, the vast majority of the latest postings (from the last year or so) say that this claim is indeed true.  Studies have proven that burglars are more likely to strike properties where the owners post vacation photos that show that they are on vacation and their residence is unoccupied.


It just makes sense.  With property crimes far above the national average, the last thing you want to do is advertise to potential thieves that you are far away on vacation.  Even if you're insurance claim is not invalidated, who would want to go through being burglarized.  The idea that a stranger has gone through your private things is unsettling to say the least.

Whenever I go on vacation I borrow one of my friend's huge vicious looking dog for a day.  I love taking photos of the dog looking mean with the caption that reads "Beware of My New Dog Bruno".  It is a proven fact that households with vicious looking dogs are less likely to be burglarized. Bruno, by the way, only looks ferocious.  He is as docile and loving as a feather. The photos do make me feel better.

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Its fun posting vacation photos, but you can always wait until you get home.  It's the safe thing to do.

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