How Jerks Stop You From Reclining Your Airplane Seat
We know that traveling through airports is often stressful from checking in if you have to check luggage to going through security. That last stop before we are free to grab a drink or relax at the our gate can either be a breeze or bring out the absolute worst in us.
Even boarding can be a headache depending on where we're sitting, who is hogging the overhead compartment, and who our neighbors are for the the duration of the flight.
Anyway, once we're on the plane, the hope is that everyone will sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight with zero issues. Whether we get some shut-eye, enjoy a podcast, listen to music, or watch a move or television show, we hope for the best — and that includes praying the person in front of us doesn't recline their seat.
Planes are already cramped enough and when the passenger in front of us reclines their seat, it's usually super annoying and alters our entire seating setup. Maybe you're someone who takes advantage of reclining your seat, and in all honestly it's part of flying that we have to accept.
Enter the inconsiderate jerk.
Apparently, the ammunition to stop the person in front of you from reclining their seat is right there above you. The jerk move is quite unethical and truly rude but it's a thing that people have been know to do.
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According to the Distractify website, if the passenger in front of you reclines their seat and you don't like it, then simply turn your vent an then aim it toward the reclined seat where it will most likely blow into their face. Talk about making someone uncomfortable.
I would never. Would you?
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