Players who have yet to own Call of Duty: Ghosts will reportedly have the opportunity to try out its multiplayer content for free with this upcoming trial version.

IGN has reported that Activision will be hosting a free version of Call of Duty: Ghosts that will offer players access to its Team Deathmatch and Domination multiplayer modes along with its Extinction game mode as well. The three maps included will be Prison Break, Warhawk and Strike Zone. The trial period is rumored to be starting on March 7.

During this trial period, players can purchase the complete digital game for a discounted price. The most likely scenario is that once this trial period ends, the trial version of Call of Duty: Ghosts that you have downloaded will no longer work and would link you to a place to buy the digital version of the game.

There are also rumors of an Onslaught downloadable content trial weekend beginning on March 21, which will let players sample all four new maps, the new weapons of the DLC and the first piece of the Extinction: Nightfall campaign.

On March 4, players can look forward to the Legend Pack micro-DLC, which includes Hazmat, Rorke, Zakhaev and Makarov player skins for multiplayer use. Long-time Call of Duty fans should be able to recognize some of these names. Season Pass owners will receive a new in-game item called "The Ripper" along with a "Team Leader Digital Pack." Unfortunately, have a feeling that The Ripper won't be anything similar to the Dead Space weapon that shares its namesake.

Official word from Activision or Infinity Ward is yet to come, but we'll be sure to keep you posted on further developments. Additionally, all of this is supposedly tied to the Xbox versions of the game, and there's no indication yet as to whether or not it will extend to other platforms.

call of duty ghosts character skins
IGN/Infinity Ward

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