The U.S. Navy is getting ready to commission its newest littoral class fighting ship, and it just so happens to be named after a town in Otsego County!
Buck O’Neil, a champion of Black ballplayers during a monumental, eight-decade career on and off the field, has joined Minnie Miñoso, Gil Hodges and three others in being elected to the baseball Hall of Fame on Sunday.
When you think of visiting Cooperstown, what comes to mind? Baseball Hall of Fame, Brewery Ommegang, or the Farmers' Museum. Here's another attraction to add to the list.
Josh Rawitch has plenty to be excited about. Less than two weeks back, on September 8, Rawitch would experience his first Induction Ceremony day on the job in Cooperstown as the incoming eighth president of the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. This wasn't any ordinary welcoming of meeting department heads and swapping stories around a collection of sliced cake and a well filled punch bowl.
It is a long time coming for Yankee fans. Finally "The Captain" Derek Jeter will be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown today. For me, Derek Jeter will always be the best Yankee that ever played the game. I was fortunate six years ago to meet Derek Jeter and ask him a couple of questions. I even made "The Captain" laugh.
If you're into things that go bump in the night, explore the Haunted History Trail in New York State, with over 85 creepy, spooky, and downright haunted spots.