UHS Chenango Memorial Hospital Is Restricting VIsitor Access
A notice from UHS Chenango Memorial Hospital:
"With the increasing numbers of confirmed cases of COVID-19 across
the country, we are currently limiting visitors at this facility. Our top
priority is the safety of our residents and staff, so we are taking this
step as a precaution.
Neither the building nor our residents are under an official
quarantine at this time. However, medical experts nationwide are
asserting that the best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to
limit exposure. Are you experiencing or have you:
• Signs or symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as fever, cough,
shortness of breath, or sore throat.
• In the last 14 days, has had contact with someone with a
confirmed diagnosis of COVID19, or under investigation for
COVID-19, or are ill with respiratory illness.
• International travel within the last 14 days to countries with
sustained community transmission.
• Resides in a community where community-based spread of
COVID-19 is occurring.
• Have you taken any recent trips (within the last 14 days) on cruise
ships or participated in a concert or university ball game within
the past 14 days where there was a large crowd?
Watch for notices updating the current COVID-19 situation at nyuhs.org
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation."