Quite a few fans (around 13 million) went 'Under the Dome' for last night's big premiere of CBS's breakout summer series, all but assuring the Stephen King adaptation will be here to stay for the near future. As for those who have yet to discover the mystery for themselves, why wait until next week when CBS has put the entirety of last night's pilot episode online to watch?

Though tragically unembeddable, the entirety of last night's pilot can be found via the link below. It's safe to say that 'Under the Dome' will continue its story long beyond the scope of Stephen King's original 2009 novel, as last night's premiere gave CBS its best summer debut ratings since 2000's 'Big Brother' premiere.

Written by Brian K. Vaughan (‘LOST’) with original ‘Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ helmer Niels Arden Oplev directing its June 24 premiere, ‘Under the Dome’ follows the Stephen King book of the same name, focusing on a small New England town that finds itself inexplicably encased in a transparent dome with no hope of penetration. Inside, the residents of the town battle increasingly apocalyptic conditions as they struggle to understand their new circumstances.

The cast includes Dean Norris (‘Breaking Bad‘), Mike Vogel (‘Bates Motel‘), Rachelle LeFevre (‘Twilight‘), Jeff Fahey (‘LOST‘), Colin Ford (‘Supernatural‘), Natalie Martinez, Alex Koch, Britt Robertson, Nicholas Strong, Jolene Purdy and ‘Justified‘ star Natalie Zea. Check out the premiere through the link below, and tell us what you think of 'Under the Dome''s pilot episode!

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