April Versus May: The Rivalry Continues
Is there a rivalry between the months of April and May? Absolutely. I think it is a heated one although there is the line of thinking, how can it be a rivalry if it is one-sided? I am for May all the way. April Showers Bring May Flowers. Darn right they do! April is all about the yucky rainy weather compared to May and it's majestic breathtaking flowers.
My strong feelings against Month Number Four stems from the fact that my Birthday resides in Month Number Five. No loved ones of mine has a birthday in April. My son has a birthday in late March and then I have mine in May so in my mind let's get April over as quickly as we can.
What does April have? April Fools Day? A day set aside for debauchery and pranks that usually ends in tears or anger. While May has Mothers Day! A day set aside where you get to say thank you to the person that brought you into this world. Maybe I have a bias towards this day since I am especially close to my dear mother.
I do give some credit to April for the fact that the astrological sign of Taurus starts April 19th. I actually am a Taurus at the deadline. May 20th is the last day of the Taurus sign and that happens to be my Birthday. I am very please as April is almost over with! The only thing I will miss about April is our Win Cash Promotion. But other than that, please bring on the month of May.
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