Big Chuck’s “Little Things in Life Award:” Historic Trolley Tracks
This new feature will salute those businesses and places in our area that go the extra step to make our city inviting to all who pass by. Nothing big, nothing earth-shaking, nothing dramatic. Just the little things that please the eye and make us smile.
It is fun to romanticize about the old days when trolleys were running up and down the major streets of Oneonta. "Ding Ding" the bell would ring out and men in bowler's hats and ladies in hats and dresses would climb aboard in a very early version of Uber.
I think it is nice that the powers that be have left a section of trolley tracks in Muller Plaza along with a plaque describing the trolley era.
Anytime we can put our history out front for all to see is a good thing as far as I am concerned!
Just the little things in life, but oh so nice....
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