CCHS Members Invited to Review Proposed By-Law Revisions
Thanks to a generous Capacity Building grant from the New York Council of Non-Profits (NYCON), the Chenango County Historical Society (CCHS) recently completed a draft of revisions to the organization’s by-laws and constitution. The revised documents are available for viewing at: TinyURL.com/2021CCHSByLawsDraft
The Board of Trustees has recommended approval for these proposed changes to the CCHS by-laws when they come before the full voting membership of the society. Revisions to the CCHS by-laws require a two-thirds vote of approval from those members who participate in the voting process before amendments can be made. The proposed changes are being made available to the membership for consideration in advance of the next annual meeting this November.
Prior to this assessment, the CCHS by-laws had not been given a thorough review since 2000. The suggested revisions are being proposed in order to improve the well-being of the organization’s governance, and to ensure compliance with New York State’s Nonprofit Revitalization Act (NPRA) established in December 2014.
Active CCHS members with specific questions regarding the proposed revisions to the by-laws should send an e-mail to info@ChenangoHistorical.org.
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