Broome County and the rest of the Southern Tier region are anticipating they will be ready for the next phase of business reopening in one week. 

Phase one, which restored manufacturing, construction and limited retail operations, began May 15 and the Southern Tier Region has seen no significant uptick in COVID-19 cases.


Broome County Executive Jason Garnar says the eight-county region shows it still has more than the state-required number of hospital beds, equipment, contact tracers and tests needed to move onto the next phase.

Businesses that are looking to reopen in the next phases need to review the state requirements and gain certification from New York in order to be allowed to open.

The county executive also reminds businesses that never closed but possibly worked remotely that they still have to file a plan with New York State demonstrating compliance with such regulations as distancing, mask wearing and sanitation through

Phase two businesses include professional services, retail, administrative support, real estate/rental and leasing.

Family Eating Lunch Together In Restaurant
monkeybusinessimages / ThinkStock

Phase three is restaurant and food services and the final phase being arts, entertainment, recreation and education.

People who think a business may be open when it shouldn’t can file a complaint with the state by calling 1-833-789-4070.  Employees can file complaints against employers through the Department of Labor.

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